Realizing Digital Societies with Data Infrastructure, and Workforce Education
Join us on Thursday, September 8th to learn the latest efforts in developing IT professionals, how data infrastracture, interoperability and standardization can help bridge the skill gaps with speakers from Japan, EU and US.
International Webinar: Realizing Digital Societies with Data Infrastructure, and Workforce Education
Date:Thursday, September 8th, 2022
Time:5:00PM -7:30PM (JST) /10:00AM -12:30(CEST)
Organizer:Information Technology Federation of Japan (ITrenmei)
Supported by:EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation, iCD Association, IMS Japan Society, Nippon Applied Informatics Society, Japan Massive Open Online Courses Promotion Council (JMOOC) , Information Processing Society of Japan
Assisted by:The Center for Global Communications (GLOCOM)
Coordinated by: International Committee, Information Technology Federation of Japan (ITrenmei), IT Education and Workforce Committee, Information Technology Federation of Japan (ITrenmei)
<Delivery mode>
Online seminar open to public ( hosted via Zoom Webinar)
Simultaneous interpretation for English/Japanese will be provided.
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JST | CEST | |
5:00PM | 10:00AM | Open |
| | Opening Remarks Wataru HASEGAWA, Vice Chairman (Information Technology Federation of Japan) Information Technology Federation of Japan (ITrenmei) is one of the largest industry organizations representing Japan's IT industry. Our membership includes more than 50 IT industry associations, which overall covers four million employees across Japan. ITrenmei has advocated for fostering IT professionals by connecting job demand with education through i-Competency Dictionary. |
5:15PM | 10:15AM | Session 1: Development of ACM CC2020, Competency-Based Education and Industry Cooperation with i-Competency Dictionary Eiji Hayashiguchi, Board of iCD Association, Member of ACM CC2020 curriculum taskforce, SFIA Accredited Consultant In February 2021, the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) - Computer Society formulated CC2020, the latest version of international curriculum standards in the field of information technology. CC2020 is designed based on competencies with an emphasis on the ability to perform practical tasks. As a member of the Task Force for the formulation of CC2020, I will outline the awareness of the issue of resolving the gap between industrial needs and university education, and discuss how we should close the gap in Japan in the prospect of industry-academia collaboration that refers to i-Competency Dictionary and defines tasks as an industry. |
5:50PM | 10:50AM | Session 2: e-CF and Curriculum Guidelines in the Prospect of EU Digital Skill Agenda, Fostering ICT Professionals in Europe Mary Cleary, Secretary General of the Irish Computer Society (ICS) and Chair of the CEN/TC 428 Rocco Defina, e-CF and curriculum guidelines project leader and Chair of Digital Competence Expert Group of IT Professionalism Europe (ITPE) Over the past two decades, the European effort to foster IT professionalism has relied heavily on the standardization of digital skills, as well as raising the profile of ethical professionals operating at the highest standards of best practice. After a short introduction about the European e-Competence Framework (e-CF) for ICT professionals, we are going to analyse the state of the art of the industry-academia collaboration promoted by CEN/TC428 (Technical Committee on "ICT Professionalism and Digital Competences” within the European Committee for Standardization). Finally we will are presenting how the standard is used in the development of ICT professionals, also considering the forthcoming publication of CEN Technical Specification on “Guidelines for developing ICT Professional Curricula as scoped by EN16234-1 (e-CF) |
6:30PM | 11:30AM | Session 3: European Digital Credential for Learning – data infrastructure to connect learn and work Ildiko Mazar,European Digital Credentials for Learning Implementation Support / NTT DATA In response to EU citizens’ increasing use of digital tools to learn and apply for jobs, the European Commission has developed a legal and digital infrastructure for the use of portable and tamper-evident verifiable credentials. The European Digital Credentials for Learning Infrastructure (EDCI) proposes a set of open standards, free services and software. This session will present an overview of the EDCI, and demonstrate how you can store digital credentials in your Europass wallet and share them with prospective employers and higher education institutions. |
7:10PM | 12:10AM | Session 4: Supporting the Digital Transformation of the Talent Marketplace through Data Interoperability (Recording) Jason A. Tyszko, Vice President, Center for Education and Workforce. US Chamber of Commerce Foundation This session introduces the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation’s workforce development initiatives. It includes the Chamber Foundation’s efforts to support public-private data interoperability through the application of data standards and Web 3.0 technologies as well as their implications for Learning and Employment Records (LERs) |
7:30PM | 12:30 | Close |